Comfort Craft Owner Spotlight: John Combe

Meet Comfort Craft Table owner, John Combe – Owner of Combe’s Wellness Center in La Grande, Oregon. John is also the AMTA-OR Past President, 2005 Oregon LMT of the Year and 2013 AMTA National Mertorious Award Recipient. We asked John a few industry specific questions that we are thrilled to share:


combe copyWhat do like best about this industry?

 Helping People!!


What made you become a massage therapist?

After College I did my research of up and coming Professions, Massage Therapy being ranked very high the rest is history!


Where is the farthest you have traveled to attend a seminar or convention? 

Having been very involved in the profession, as an active AMTA member I have been to conventions all over the country for the last 15yrs.


What is your favorite technique / modality you like to use in your practice?

Over the past 15 years I have found my passion is more Sports Therapy and Clinical based!  Has the Comfort Craft table assisted you in this?  Jim and the Comfort Craft family have made my day to day care very enjoyable!


What factors inspired you to purchase a Comfort Craft Table?

Wow thinking back 13 years ago when I call to get more information about the Tables. I was asking a lot of questions and surprised at how much the person was able to answer, this was huge that I never felt like a sales pitch was being made.  After getting some information and calling back to order my first Model 800 STP, I realized I had been talking to the owner and maker Jim Craft! I appreciate knowing that when I can talk to the person that made the tables he will have an answer.  Jim has continued to amaze me with his focus on making his product to serve the needs of both the Therapist and client. I am currently on my second Model 800 STP with The Stretching system and LOVE it!  I have been also very happy with the new portable table Model 100 that now allows me to deliver the same outcome at many Elite Track and Field events, as my athlete receive in clinic.


Was there an unexpected benefit that you had not anticipated when you ordered your table?

 I was super excited to see the Tax credit that the table offers.  


Thank you for sharing John. Learn for about Combe’s Wellness Center by visiting: