Create a Healthier Massage Workplace

Create a Healthier Massage Work Place with Ergonomics


er·go·nom·ics ərɡəˈnämiks/


 the study of people’s efficiency in their working environment.


Ergonomics is the very reason that Comfort Craft was created. We wanted to provide a healthy work environment for Massage Therapists. On average, a Comfort Craft Table owner can schedule one more massage client per day and prolong thier career by over a decade. They can also charge more for each massage session than a therapist on a standard table.

Why? Because of the Comfort Craft Mid-Split design – our tables do the bend… not the therapist!

 Comfort Craft leads the industry with smooth, quiet equipment that reduces therapist efforts by up to 50% and relieving therapist strain.

Adjustable heights and angles enable therapists to use mechanical advantage and their own body weight, not their strength. The custom Cutout pads let therapists get closer to the patient without constant strain, so they feel relaxed at the end of each day!

The answer should be simple. Why wouldn’t a massage therapist want to save thier back and thier career by investing in a state of the art table like a Model 800?

 Check out what one of our table owners has to say about thier Comfort Craft Model 800:

Since receiving my Comfort Craft table, I have been able to take more appts. I have suffered with back problems for quite some time and having the table has made it much easier to have good body mechanics. A must in our industry. The patients are loving the table too. It allows them to be stretched which my other basic massage table has not allowed me to do easily. I work much easier and sometimes feel effortless. This table is awesome! I highly recommend this table to all practioners. Thank you Jim!!

– Lisa F. of Beaverton, OR –