Sale on Comfort Craft Massage Table Linen
Sale on Comfort Craft Massage Table Linen
Massage table linen is just as important as any massage table out there, if you think about it. After all, no massage client wants to lie down on top of an unwashed, oily, and sweaty linen that another client lay on before them. Not only is it unhygienic, but it could also disgust the client and make him or her never come back for your service again. That is why message and physical therapists and even bodywork professionals and chiropractors always invest in several linens for their massage tables. That way, when a client comes in, they can throw the old linen in the washer machine and add new linen on the table for the client.
Still, massage table linens can be costly if you need to buy them in numbers. However, Comfort Craft is having a wonderful sale for the entirety of February of this year on massage table linens. So if you are in need of adding more linens to your supply closet or you simply want new, clean massage table linen to spoil your clients with, then this deal will be great for you. The sale is 15% off any of Comfort Craft’s linens, so you can buy them in bulk and save big time!
So, why not save some major cash and still get your business and your massage clients some comfy, new massage table linen to lie on. Your clients will end up coming back to you time and time again and you will feel better about giving them a better service. Do not keep reusing the same couple of old linens over and over again, especially if you want your massage therapy business to thrive. Add extra ones and spoil your clients with Comfort Craft’s fantastic massage table linen. It will make everyone happy!
Thank you to Lizz Pugh, Owner of Lakewood Ranch Medical Massage, for sharing these tips for placing a sheet on a Model 800.