6 Side Effects of Sleep Deprivation
6 Side Effects of Sleep Deprivation
In this day and age, people are juggling more than one chore. Lots of people work, go to school, and raise kids at the same time. And even those that don’t have kids juggle many duties in a single day. Between going to work, paying bills, getting a social life, and maybe finishing that course that will advance them in the workplace, people find that they simply don’t have as much time to sleep like they did when they were younger and had less responsibilities. And so the cycle of sleeping less than eight hours (sometimes even less than six) and waking up to a long day only to get little sleep yet again begins. Nevertheless, if you are one of those people, you should know that with a little time management, you can get more sleep. But what are the side effects of sleep deprivation? Let’s find out.
Poor Memory
Did you know that the less sleep you get at night the more your memory weakens? Without a good night’s sleep, your brain can’t keep track of information because it didn’t have time to sort things out. And when does our brain sort things out best? When we sleep, of course.
Creativity is Decreased
Just like memory is weakened, creativity is decreased. Without proper rest, our brain simply doesn’t have the energy to be creative. In other words, if you are in a creative field or enjoy creative projects, be sure to end the sleep deprivation cycle and finally get good sleep.
Lack of Enthusiasm
Similarly, sleep deprivation can cause you to be less enthusiastic about everyday things. You can probably recognize this symptom in grumpy people waking up in the morning after a brief night of sleep. Without proper rest, our bodies don’t have the strength, energy, or motivation to take on the world. This leads more people to become couch potatoes, be less enthusiastic about work, school, and exercise, and even get irritated easily.
Hair loss
Sleep deprivation is bad for people’s overall health, and there’s no doubt about that. But did you know that it can cause hair loss? When you don’t sleep at least eight hours a night, your body becomes weak and more susceptible to stress, which can lead to hair loss among other issues.
Increases Health Problems
Speaking of health issues, lack of sleep can put you at risk for heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, stroke, high blood pressure, and diabetes, among other risks. If the above side effects of poor sleep didn’t worry you, these dangerous side effects should.
Can Cause Depression
It is no surprise that lack of proper sleep can increase the chance of depression. When the body is weak, so is the mind, and that leads to a higher chance of becoming depressed.