Why Marathon Runners Need Regular Massages

Why Marathon Runners Need Regular Massages


Marathon runners train on a weekly basis, getting ready to run a 5k or a 10k, and it can be exhausting doing all that hard work day in and day out. At some point, the body needs to rest and recover in order for runners to get back on the field. And the best way for runners to recover is to get regular massages. Though, you might be wondering, how exactly do massages benefit runners and when should they be getting them? Let us find out!


What Are the Benefits of Massages for Runners?

There are lots of massage benefits for marathon runners, both for improving their health and assisting them in their marathons. Since massages help stimulate the circulatory system, they improve blood flow to the muscles. At the same time, massages create an inflow of oxygen-rich blood, which aids in getting rid of the byproducts of hard exercise (such as marathon training) and supplies fresh nutrients. While these benefits of massage are great, they are only a small number of the many other benefits. With regular massages, runners would also have reduced muscle soreness, enhanced range of motion (which can come in handy during future marathons), and the breakup of scar tissue or adhesions that can constrain muscle movements. Therefore, professional marathon runners would feel better after long training sessions and intense workouts and would also be in a healthier shape for the next marathon.



When Should Marathon Runners Get a Massage?

While massages can be great for runners, there is a right and wrong time to get them, and not following these crucial rules can set a runner back. Besides, getting massages during the wrong times can makes them pointless and make the runner feel like he or she did not do anything to improve their training. As a result, it is important to know when the right time is to get a massage. We are going to start out by point out when it is a bad idea to get a massage. It is a bad idea to get a massage immediately after long training sessions or marathons, since it is best that the muscles are relaxed during massages. So, a marathon runner can get a massage after an easy workout and run. It is also recommended that he or she get a massage the day before another light workout and run. Besides, going for a hard run and workout right after a massage only negates the benefits and reintroduces waste products into the system, which further dehydrates the muscles, and that is not something a marathon runner wants. Consequently, a marathon runner should let his or her body heal a few days after a long marathon before he or she gets a massage. The same applies to getting a massage before a long marathon: doing so several days before a long run is the best choice runners could make.


Marathon runners can benefit from regular massages, which, when done at the right time, can improve their health and body and assist their marathons. The next time you go for a massage, ask your therapist “Are you using a Comfort Craft Table?” We guarantee, you will notice a difference.