This Adjustable Massage Table Will Change Your Massage Career

This Adjustable Massage Table Will Change Your Massage Career – What is it like being a massage therapist? Your daily work life probably goes something like this: You have a few hours of massage sessions a day but no more to avoid burning out. Then, you repeat the procedure for the rest of the week. While this is the best way to keep your body strong and not exhausted, it is not so good for your savings account. How can a massage therapist take on more work hours and earn more without getting drained? The answer is simple: By investing in an adjustable massage table from Comfort Craft, the leading producer of ergonomic massage tables.


How Can an Adjustable Massage Table Change Your Career?

An adjustable massage table is not only ideal for the needs of your clients but also for you. A flat massage table that cannot be adjusted stays the same for every client. A flat massage table cannot be tailored for people of different heights or specific target points. One size fits all is just not going to improve your career.


Plus, a flat massage table that cannot be adjusted prevents you from being comfortable during your sessions. Flat tables do not work with your height or work techniques. If you are working on opening the client’s back to decrease pain and improve posture but the table you are using is not ideal for your height or the client’s needs, you end up putting more strain on your back and shoulders. A tense massage therapist is never an effective massage therapist.

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An adjustable massage table, such as the amazing line of ergonomic tables by Comfort Craft, allows you to alter the table for your height, the client’s needs, and your own comfort and ease. This removes physical pressure off you, increases the amount of time you can work in a day, and helps you give a more effective massage during your sessions.


What Are Other Benefits of Using a Comfort Craft Massage Table?

Comfort Craft massage tables have tons of benefits, but the main one is the mid-split design, also known as the bend. This creative approach allows the relaxation of the lower back and supports the arch of the body when lying face up. It also helps therapists to open their own front line due to overworking their own muscles.


Another great benefit of using a Comfort Craft table is that you can customize it and add the accessories you need. For instance, you can choose a table and pillow shape, choose your ideal table color, and even add things like the sliding arm extenders and cranial head pillow.


An adjustable massage table, particularly one from the line of tables by Comfort Craft, can improve your message therapy career and even extend your work years. Call us now to learn more about the benefits of a Comfort Craft table!