Tax Credit




Step 1 – How to Use IRS Tax Form 8826
Package Price $6,450  
Minimum amount for tax credit -$ 250
Divided by 50% = $3,100
Step 2 – How the Normal Equipment Write-Off Works
Package Price $6,450
Minimum Direct Credit (above) $3,100
Multiply Your Tax Rate 28%* = x .28
Equipment Write-Off Amount from section 179 $ 938
*28% tax rate used an example. Rates may vary from 15% to 38% based on your tax bracket.
Step 3 – Calculate Your Total Tax Relief
Add Direct Credit sec 44 (step 1) Plus Equipment Write-Off sec 178 (step 2) $3,100
Plus Equipment Write-Off sec 178 (step 2) +$938
Total Tax Relief $4,038
Step 4 – Subtract Your Total Tax Relief from Original Sale Price 
Original Package Price $6,450
Total Tax Relief $4,038
Your Cost of Model 800 STP Package after Tax Relief* $2,412
*Not Including Shipping cost


 This credit is avalible according to Section 44 of the Internal Revenue Code. To qualify, the profesional’s practice must meet the following requirements: 1) Annual Gross reciepts of the practice do not exceed $1,000,000 or 2) the practice employs no more that 30 full time employees during the taxable year in which the credit is elected. 3) The equipment cannot cost less than $250 and cannot cost over $10,250.
Remember to consult your tax advisor to make sure you Qualify