Caring Touch Myotherapy – A Thank you letter to Comfort Craft



LC Inverted massge TableSince 2006, Louann has been a Comfort Craft Table owner. Recently, she wrote Jim a Thank you letter about her table. Thank you Louann for allowing us to share your kind words:


“Thank you for the quick response and replacement of the control box for my Comfort Craft Table. Model 800B. This table was used for the demonstrations during a seminar in June 2006 that I attended. I saw the benefits of using this table and knew I wanted one but was not sure I could handle the cost. You offered such a great deal that I was third in line for it and felt there was no way I would be able to purchase it. To my great surprise, you came up to me and said, “It’s yours if you want it.” I think my response was, “How do I make out the check?” This is the first problem I have had with my table and it has been moved several times. I am not sure I would still be working in the massage industry if I did not have my Comfort Craft table.

 The table has been extremely beneficial in so many ways. I have several larger clients and it has enabled me to lower and raise the table during their sessions to facilitate better access to the areas that are being worked. My clients love the table, as do I. My “seasoned” clientele are thrilled because the table can be lowered so it is much easier for them to get on/off the table.

 One of my clients, a retired Army Captain from the 101st  Airborne had a major lower back compression problem. He had been referred to me by another therapist and came in looking for any kind of relief but not expecting very much. He stated he “had been all over the world and received massages from the most expensive spas to the most inexpensive person without relief.” My response was “So, you are giving me a challenge today, right?” He was a bit surprised by that comment but said ·Yes.” During the session, I asked him if he “had ever had any inversion therapy added to his massage, kind of like this?” At that point, I started using the inversion feature of the table. He was surprised at the amount of relief he felt with even a small amount of inversion and then asked me if he could have my table! I told him “NO, but I can show you where you can buy one.” Because of the inversion feature and the ability to raise and lower him throughout the session, I was able to find his problem area. He told me I was the only therapist he had ever been to that “found the problem and then was able to do something about it.” Needless to say, I am grateful that I had the table to go along with the skills to help one of our vets get relief from pain he was constantly enduring while providing the freedoms for me to do what I love doing.

Thank you for building the Comfort Craft series so that therapists can provide quality care to their clients. “


Louann Cranford BS, LMT, ACMT, CLP – Licensed Massage Therapist & Certified Lypossage Practitioner of  Caring Touch Myotherapy


To learn more about Louann and CARING TOUCH MYOTHERAPY, visit


To learn more about Comfort Craft Custom Massage Tables visit: