The Best Foods that Speed Injury Recovery

The Best Foods that Speed Injury Recovery

If you have recently gotten hurt, then your currently goal is most likely to heal and get back to your strong and healthy self. There are a few ways people try to speed injury recovery, and one of those ways is physical therapy. For instance, if a person falls and hurts his back, he can get it realigned by going to a chiropractor. However, there are other ways that can help people heal faster. While going to therapy is important, eating healing foods is just as important. As a result, we have compiled some of the best foods you should eat to keep your body strong, help yourself heal from injuries, or to just maintain your health even if you don’t have an injury.


Foods with Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Did you know that if you eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts, almonds, pecans, flax seeds, and salmon, you can decrease any inflammation caused by your injury? Yup, omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation, which means that if you consume foods that are high in omega-3, you will not need to take pain killers and drugs, and that is because reducing the swelling and inflammation naturally will also reduce the pain.


Foods that Contain High Doses of Protein

Obviously, protein is needed to help the body heal, especially when it comes to injured bones. Therefore, foods that contain high doses of protein are best. Some of these foods are grass fed beef, chicken, eggs, beans, tofu, lentils, yogurt, fish, cheese, and even nuts and seeds. Consuming these foods rich in protein will help you have a speedier injury recovery.


Foods Rich in Zinc

Foods with zinc are powerful for your body because every tissue in your body naturally contains zinc. Thus, when you consume foods with zinc, you help your body use the fats and proteins you ate in order to promote growth and heal your injuries. Plus, zinc is important for keeping your immune system resilient, so it is essential that you eat foods like nuts and seeds, lean beef, chicken, chickpeas, yogurt, cheese, and oysters and crabs.


Foods with Vitamin A

The body needs white blood cells to heal injuries and keep the body strong. As a result, if you are recovering from an injury, you should help promote those white blood cells in your body so that you can heal faster. That is where vitamin A comes in. Vitamin A promotes the production of white blood cells, which can be highly beneficial to you during your injury recovery period. What you can do to increase white blood cells is consume foods rich in vitamin A. Those foods are things such as sweet potatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, tropical fruits, and dark leafy greens (like spinach).


If you eat foods rich in the above nutrients and vitamins, your body will speed through its injury recovery phase and be stronger in no time. While you consume healthy foods, be sure to also drink plenty of water. After all, water makes up at least 50% of the human body, making it essential for our well-being.