Why You Need to Drink More Water This Summer
Why You Need to Drink More Water This Summer
Water makes up approximately 60% of the body. So it is no wonder that water is much needed for our well-being. Sadly, though, a lot of people choose to drink sodas and energy drinks in the place of water, and this oftentimes results in health issues such as obesity, diabetes, heart strokes, and tiredness (which is ironic since people drink sodas and energy drinks to energize themselves). So we are going to list the many great benefits of drinking water in order to help you start this summer by choosing better for your health. Here is why you need to drink more water:
To Staying Hydrated
We are going to list off the most obvious reason: staying hydrated. The summer heat can make you sweat profusely, which in turn can make you lose the water in your body, you know, the one you need to stay alive. As a result, drinking more water is necessary this summer, particularly if you are spending the day outdoors under the sun. Be sure to always have a bottle of water with you and remind yourself to drink each hour.
To Lose Weight
Did you know that drinking water can help you lose weight? It’s true. The way this works is that when you drink more water, your body becomes full faster, which prevents you from overeating. Therefore, you end up consuming less calories without feeling starved, and your body loses weight. So fill up your bottle with water and get ready for bikini season!
To Digest Better
Similarly, drinking water can help you digest your food better. Think about it. More water in your system adds fluids to your colon, which moves things along. This prevents food from just sitting in your stomach undigested, making you feel bloated and sick.
To Have Flawless Skin
The more water you drink the more toxins are flushed out from your body. This means that those same toxins won’t be around to leave pimples on your face. Who needs skin creams and facial scrubs for acne removal when you can just drink more water?
To Get Rid of a Hangover
If you had an alcoholic drink, or too many, and have a hangover, drinking water is the best medicine. So don’t just wait it out. Wait it out while drinking a cup of water.
To Keep the Kidneys is Shape
Without enough water, our kidneys have a hard time clearing away what we don’t need in the body (toxins). Kidneys have a big job to do, and that is to move out waste and carry urine to the bladder. Without the water needed, that job becomes hard to do, which tires out the kidneys. Thus, to keep the kidneys in shape, drink plenty of water.
To Keep Your Immune System Strong
Overall, when you substitute water with sodas and energy drinks, you help your immune system out. Unnecessary sugars can shut down the immune system, leaving you susceptible to colds and illnesses. However, when you drink more water and less of the unhealthy drinks, you help your immune system stay strong and fight off viruses.
There you have it! Keeping these seven reasons in mind this summer will help you drink more water, stay refreshed, and have many positive health benefits.