The Best Bodywork Table for Physical Therapy

The Best Bodywork Table for Physical Therapy Comfort Craft’s best bodywork table, Model 800, is becoming more and more popular in hospitals and rehabilitation centers. It is the prefect table for physical therapists who help patients recover from injury and manage pain. Model 800 is not only comfortable for patients but also for physical therapists, making it one of a kind. If you are looking for the best table for physical therapy, then this is it.

Why Does Model 800 Stand Out as a Bodywork Table?

Model 800 is special for one big reason, and that is its mid-split design, also known as the bend. This wonderful bodywork table is not flat like other massage therapy tables on the market. Its bend, in fact, puts patients in a relaxed position so therapists can open the back area with little effort. It also does the following:

  • The smooth, electric powered mid-split design dramatically improves treatment because the patient’s back is immediately taken out of compression as it is on flat tables.
  • Effortless ergonomics are easily obtained using the cutout in the pad to step in close to the body, allowing therapists to use their own weight, not their strength. This reduces the work effort, while increasing energy levels. The therapist can then open and lengthen the body with comfortable strokes.
  • The head pillow aligns the head with the body, which gives the patient total support, helps the release, and aids in the relaxation of the body


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Why Does the Mid-Split Design Matter So Much?

Think for a moment about flat massage tables, and then think about the human body, which is not so flat. The human body has curves, so how come physical therapy tables do not account to that? The mid-split design, therefore, is the solution. Model 800 provides a much-needed comfort to the client by helping him/her be in the most relaxed state their body needs. Simultaneously, the physical therapist also benefits from the mid-split design because they do not have to lean over the client and put force. They can simply use their weight. This leads the physical therapist to do a more effective therapy session without being tired or having a sore back, neck, shoulders, or arms. 

At the end of the day, there is nothing like Comfort Craft’s Model 800 bodywork table. It is the perfect combination of ergonomic table and energy booster, providing both the client and therapist with the best environment and relaxation one could ask for.

Right now, Comfort Craft is having an end of the year sale for all electric massage tables like Model 800. If you wish to learn more and/or order a bodywork table, call us 800-858-5838! Jim loves talking tables and will be happy to answer any of your questions!