Special January Pricing on Your Electric Massage Table

Special January Pricing on Your Electric Massage Table

Is your new year’s resolution to become a more advanced massage therapist? Then you are in the right place! Comfort Craft is having a special January pricing on the electric massage table of your choice so you can improve your massage career in 2017. Want a better table for you and your patients? Comfort Craft has a variety of tables. Each table has its own features, but they are all great for advancing your career. If you wish to bring more comfort to your patients during your sessions, choosing one of the below tables is the trick:


Model 200

The Model 200 PSU, with electric sit-up and high-low adjustability, is ideal for spa and bodywork services. Dual soft-touch foot controls allow ease of adjustability. Moving from flat to a 75-degree sit-up position, the Model 200 PSU is perfect for a variety of treatments, including spa treatments, prenatal massage, and for treating elderly patients or those
with back ailments. The Model 200 can be raised to standard massage height or adjusted to any height appropriate for the service being performed. The Model 200 PSU is built for versatility with a very low or high working height, low or high armrests, and minimal foot interference.

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Model 300

The Model 300 reduces a therapist’s workload by 50% and allows the patient to relax into a neutral position during the massage. Using the dual foot controls on either side of the table, different body positions are easily obtained. The patient’s position is enhanced by using the power mid-split, which helps relax the patient’s body into a neutral position.


Model 800

The Model 800’s mid-split design puts patients in a relaxed position so therapists can open the back area with little effort. The smooth, electric powered mid-split design dramatically improves treatment because the patient’s back is immediately taken out of compression as it is on flat tables. Effortless ergonomics are easily obtained using the cutout in the pad to step in close to the body, allowing therapists to use their own weight, not their strength. This reduces the work effort, while increasing energy levels. The therapist can then open and lengthen the body with comfortable strokes. The head pillow aligns the head with the body, which gives the patient total support, helps the release, and aids in the relaxation of the body.



Model 850

Model 850, another fantastic electric massage table, has a lateral rear unit, which will move 25 degrees in either direction for working the lower extremities during side-to-side movement. This unique feature was designed for ART (Active Release Technique) and other types of treatment that require movement during therapy. The second new feature is the removable shoulder extension at the front pad area. This design provides a front pad that can change from a 30”/32” wide pad to a 16” wide chest pad that allows for total shoulder movement in the face-down or face-up positions. There is a special foam in the center of the pad for chiropractic-type adjustments yet still offer the comfort of a massage table.


Choosing a Comfort Craft electric massage table in January will help you save money and invest in the best for your career in 2017. These tables will provide great comfort to your patients and enhance your work. Call us today at 800-858-2838 at start designing your custom massage table.