Why Massage Therapists Love This Electric Massage Table

Why Massage Therapists Love This Electric Massage Table

Massage therapists who use a regular flat massage table feel strain on their shoulders, necks, and arms. The constant pressure sometimes disrupts the relaxing atmosphere. For that reason, Comfort Craft’s massage tables are like no other. With the bend (mid-split design), massage therapists can have more comfort. By using their weight rather than their muscles, massage therapists can be more relaxed and give effective massages to their clients. A great example of a Comfort Craft table is Model 300, a fantastic electric massage table with the mid-split design.

How Does the Bend Work?

Comfort Craft pioneered the mid-split (the bend) over 20 years ago to help therapists take the body out of being on a flat surface. This creative approach allows the relaxation of the lower back and supports the arch of the body when lying face up. Another great benefit of the mid-split is that it can be used by therapists to help themselves with opening up their own front line due to overworking their own muscles. In other words, the bend not only improves the treatment and the comfort of the clients, but it also reduces the therapist’s efforts by half and allows him/her to work more efficiently. A two to three-minute session can make a major difference in day-to-day work. As a result, no more would a therapist need to hunch over the client, putting strain on his/her muscles just to be able to give the client a good massage. This holds true in Comfort Craft’s electric massage table, Model 300.


Model 300’s Features and Benefits

Here is a list of features and benefits both massage therapists and clients get from this wonderful electric massage table:

1)The Model 300 reduces a therapist’s workload by 50% and allows the patient to relax into a neutral position during the massage.

2)Using the dual foot controls on either side of the table, different body positions are easily obtained.

3)The patient’s position is enhanced by using the power mid-split, which helps relax the patient’s body into a neutral position.

4)Removing the headrest allows the therapist to move the patient’s head in any position, offering complete release and relaxation of the neck muscles.

5)Using the Comfort Craft TBase Stool, the therapist has a mechanical advantage with his arms parallel to the floor, allowing greater ease of treatment without strain.

6)Side positioning allows easy body opening with low stress and little effort for the therapist.

7)Using the Sideline Pillow Set, in combination with the mid-split feature of the Model 300, allows for natural body lengthening.

8)Using the Power Mid-Split, the patient’s lower back is allowed to relax by raising the table nine degrees while in the prone position. This takes the compressed back in to the neutral position, which aids the therapist in treatment. With the patient in a supine position, the nine degrees supports the low back’s arch muscles and allows the body to be neutral.


Now that you know a little more about Comfort Craft’s mid-split design and Model 300, it is time for you to check out this awesome electric massage table for yourself. So, give us a call. Jim loves talking tables!