Why Massage Therapists Love the Comfort Craft Stool?

Why Massage Therapists Love the Comfort Craft Massage Stool?

davidstool2The right massage stool can transform the session completely. Without an ergonomic stool, massage therapists have a hard time being comfortable. This can get in the way of the massage and relaxation. It can even break the calm atmosphere. The right massage stool can help the massage therapist have ease of effort. That is why many massage therapists look at the Comfort Craft stool. The ergonomic T-Base stool designed by Comfort Craft has been proven to help with long term comfort and enhance each session.


What Makes Comfort Craft Stools the Best Option?

Comfort Craft stools are designed for long term comfort, ease of mobility, and to further enhance your treatment experience. Comfort Craft knows that you most likely have to sit for prolonged periods of time at work, which is why the seat of the stools is designed to offer complete comfort during long sessions of sitting. The actual seat comes in four different sizes to accommodate each therapist’s individual size and requirements. These sizes are petite, medium, full, or extra full. All seats come with a luxurious foam padding that gives you a floating sensation and all day comfort.


Comfort Craft’s #1 Stool: The T-Base Stool

This is Comfort Craft’s number one bestselling stool for the massage industry. This massage stool is equipped with a large wheel castor system and non-rotating seat allowing the therapist to control the stool completely by using the leg muscles. This stool has an ergonomic design which allows the knee to be higher than the hip when you are seated, utilizing the sit muscles for movement control. By using a series of different gas cylinders, Comfort Craft is able to create a stool that has a variety of height adjustments ranging from extremely low to high. So not only is the T-base ergonomic stool comfortable to sit on, but it is perfect for all sitting positions, whether you need the stool to stay tall or low to accommodate your height and most relaxed pose.


Comfort Craft’s STP Package

For massage and physical therapists, Comfort Craft’s STP (Stool, Table, Pillow) package might be a smart way to upgrade equipment for a great deal. This package lets you choose from Comfort Craft’s amazing line of tables and pillows while also getting the T-Base stool. With a great package deal like this, you can finally grab the ergonomic equipment you need in the workplace at a great price.


Comfort Craft’s ergonomic massage stool allows massage therapists to have comfort and ease of mobility effort to help patients feel their best.

Call us Today at 800-858-2838. We will personally answer any questions.