What Makes an Effective Professional Massage Table?

What Makes an Effective Professional Massage Table? Professional massage tables have one thing in common: they are used for massages. Other than that, not all massage tables are the same. Some are worth the investment, others – may not be as professional. So, what exactly makes an effective professional massage table? Is it the way therapists use it to give massages? Is it the way it feels when a client is lying on it? Let us find out!


Nothing Compares to an Ergonomic Massage Table

A professional massage table is an ergonomic one. Think about it! If you are a bodywork therapist, you are trying to help your client get the best out of the treatment. However, doing so is nearly impossible if they are not in the most comfortable position. This is also true if you as a massage therapist are not comfortable. If you are tense or experiencing back pain, that negative energy could be felt through your work. An ergonomic massage table increases comfort and ease of work.


Massage tables like Comfort Craft’s line of ergonomic tables are more effective than regular flat tables. What makes Comfort Craft’s tables ergonomic is the bend (mid-split) design, which allows the relaxation of the lower back and supports the arch of the body when lying face up. They also help physical therapists open their own front line due to overworking their own muscles.


A great professional massage table also decreases the physical pressure that physical therapists go through. Less back, shoulder, neck, and arm pain equates to a better session, and that is the goal of a professional table.


What Other Ways Does a Professional Massage Table Benefit You?

As a massage therapist, the right ergonomic massage table can extend your career. After all, the more comfortable you are, the more years you can work without exhausting yourself. This also means that you could take on more clients each day and earn more money.


In the end, why tire yourself and give your clients a less than perfect massage session when you could be more comfortable, give an effective massage, and make more money per session? An effective professional massage table ensures you and your client are comfortable, relaxed, and getting an ergonomic experience like no other.

To learn more about Comfort Craft’s ergonomic line of tables, call us today at 800-858-2838. Jim loves talking tables!