Is a Massage Stool Helpful for a Massage Therapist?

Is a Massage Stool Helpful for a Massage Therapist? Massage stools are regularly sold with the promise that they will help a massage therapist provide better sessions. Though, how exactly does a massage stool enhance the effectiveness of a treatment? Yes, there are lots of photos of great massage stools being put to use. But why should you buy your own stool and how does it both help you and your patients?


The Advantages of Massage Stools

Using the right massage stool, meaning ergonomic, can benefit you in many ways. As a massage therapist, standing throughout your sessions can tire you out. Putting strain on your shoulders and back while you lean over the patient is never good. That is where a stool comes in. An ergonomic stool can help you:

  • Work on various parts of your patient’s body like the neck, shoulders, and feet without needing to lean over.
  • Adjust the height of the stool so that you are aligned with the patient.

You can even have your patient sit on the massage stool and receive proper upper back treatment while you stand. This can help you gain more control over the patient’s back in certain situations compared to when the patient is lying down.

 david with model on stoolsmall

Where Can You Find Ergonomic Massage Stools?

You have come to the perfect place. Here at Comfort Craft, you will find the leading massage stools on the market. Not only are they ergonomic, but you can customize them to your preference and needs.


Our number one bestselling stool is the T-Base stool, which is equipped with a large wheel castor system and non-rotating seat allowing you to control the stool completely by using the leg muscles. This stool has an ergonomic design which allows the knee to be higher than the hip when you are seated, utilizing the sit muscles for movement control. By using a series of different gas cylinders, we can create a stool that has a variety of height adjustments ranging from extremely low to high. So, not only is the T-base ergonomic stool comfortable to sit on, but it is perfect for all sitting positions, whether you need the stool to stay tall or low to accommodate your height and most relaxed pose.


An ergonomic massage stool can make a huge difference to your work as a physical therapist by adding comfort and better mobility and enhancing the effectiveness of the treatment. To learn more about our stools, call us today! Our phone number is 800-858-2838.