What Should a Massage Therapist Table Have?

There are many massage tables out there. Most are sadly flat and offer zero comfort to neither patients nor bodywork therapists. Despite this, many massage therapists still use flat massage tables. Low prices make it easy for just about anyone to pick a massage table without causing a dent in their bank account. However, just because something is low in price does not make it the best option. So, what exactly should a massage therapist table have and where can you find the best one for you?


Traits of a Good Massage Table

A good massage table should first not be flat. A flat table does not provide the body the comfort it seeks. Besides, the human body is curved. Thus, it makes no sense when massage tables are not curved too. When looking for a good massage therapist table, look for tables with a bend which can be adjusted to the therapist and patients’ needs.


Next, a massage table should be ergonomic. Its material should be of the best quality and you want the table to be customizable and adjustable. If your patient needs a sideline pillow, your table should be capable of adding one.


Comfort Craft’s Wonderful Selection of Ergonomic Tables

Comfort Craft just happens to have the best selection of ergonomic bodywork therapist tables with a bend. The bend in most tables (also known as the mid-split design), helps patients have more comfort in their massage session. The bend also removes strain most massage therapist feel in their shoulders, back, and arms during sessions. Since the table is not flat, the therapist does not have to lean over. Therefore, the massage therapist no longer puts force into their massage but rather their weight.


There are lots of fantastic Comfort Craft tables to look at. A great advanced bodywork therapist table to consider is Model 850, which helps the therapist open and lengthen the body with comfortable strokes.

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Are Ergonomic Massage Tables Worth the Investment?

The answer is absolutely! An ergonomic massage table helps lengthen your career as a massage therapist. By being more comfortable during your sessions, you can take on more patients and retire forty years later instead of twenty years later, just as an example. Plus, more patients will return to you because of the added comfort your ergonomic table provided them. Though ergonomic massage tables cost more than flat tables, they are worth the investment because they serve you in the long run and earn you more money.


When choosing a bodywork therapist table, it is important to look at the best on the market both for your comfort as a therapist and the comfort of your patients.