5 Reasons Why Choosing the Right Massage Table Matters

Modell 850A massage table makes up a big part of massage therapy. Without it, massage therapists cannot do their job well. Massage tables are meant to provide ease of access to the patient. So, while just about any soft surface can do, massage tables are the ideal tool during massage sessions. Which is why it is important to choose the right massage table. As a massage therapist, your career depends on that table and what it can do for you and your patients. Thus, it only makes sense to invest in the best. Here are five reasons why choosing the right table matters:

For the Utmost Comfort of the Patient

If it is not obvious, you want to choose the best massage table to keep your patients comfortable. Poorly made tables can exhaust the patient. Just imagine lying on a table for an hour without a good head support or with pressure on your spine and lower back. This is not how you want your patient to spend his session with you. Unfortunately, most massage tables on the market are flat and provide low comfort. Getting a table with a bend, like a Comfort Craft table, can help support the body’s natural curves.


To Remove Strain Away from the Massage Therapist

The right table can also help remove strain from you. Think of it this way: regular, flat massage tables make you bend over your clients and put force. This exhausts your muscles and hurts your back. On the other hand, a good table with an ergonomic design allows you to use your weight rather than your force. In that way, it eliminates strain and lengthens the hours you could work.


To Tailor the Table to the Patient’s Needs

Choosing the right massage table means choosing what is best for yourself and your patient. Therefore, you want a table that can be customized for your patients’ needs. For instance, if you work as a sports therapist and travel a lot, you might want a portable table. If you have patients with difficulty getting on and off the table alone, you might want a table with easy height adjustments. You also want a table that has features specific for massage techniques you use. So, buying a one-fits-all table is not a good idea. The right table is a table you can customize.


To Increase the Massage Therapist’s Profits

Another reason why choosing the right massage table matters is that it can increase your profit. The better the table, the more comfort your patients have, the more likelihood they will come back. This way, you gain more patients and make a higher profit.


As a massage therapist, choosing the right massage table is just as essential as using all the proper techniques on your patients.