Why Bodywork Therapists Love the Massage Table Model 800

Why Bodywork Therapists Love the Massage Table Model 800

When choosing a massage table, we tend to look at its benefits and features. Not just any table will do. We want an ergonomic table that can improve the quality of the massages we give. After all, the table we choose has a big impact on our careers as bodywork therapists. Which is why many therapists love Comfort Craft’s Model 800. This table is great for both the therapist and the patient. Plus, it has tons of benefits.


Why the Model 800 is A Big Hit

Here are some awesome facts that make Model 800 a big hit with massage therapists:

  • This bending massage table puts patients in a relaxed position so therapists can open the back area with little effort.
  • The smooth, electric powered mid-split design noticeably improves treatment because the patient’s back is immediately taken out of compression as it is on flat tables.
  • Effortless ergonomics can be easily obtained using the cutout in the pad to step in close to the body, allowing therapists to use their own weight, not their strength during the session. This reduces the work effort while increasing energy levels. The therapist can then open and lengthen the body with comfortable strokes.
  • The head pillow aligns the head with the body, which gives the patient total support, helps the release, and aids in the relaxation of the body.

 Model800 small

Other Benefits of This Bending Massage Table

This ergonomic massage table makes a big difference in the quality of the massage. However, it just happens to have other amazing benefits. Some of these benefits include:

  • By dropping the headrest down, the therapist can move the patient’s head in any direction, which aids in releasing and relaxing the neck.
  • Using the protractor, the therapist can control the angle of deflection from 0 degrees to 40 degrees, allowing for all types of body relaxation. A flat table can often aggravate lower back problems, since the body is in low back compression when lying flat. The angle of 9 degrees allows the body to relax into a comfortable neutral position. The armrest supports the arms in various positions and allows the patient to adjust position during treatment for maximum support and comfort.
  • When the back starts to open up, the head must have room to move forward without being jammed into the face pillow. Using the new sliding headrest, the face rest floats during treatment, allowing the patient to receive maximum benefits.


The difference between a good massage and a great massage might just be the massage table. With Comfort Craft’s model 800, this difference is obvious!