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- Designed for long term comfort
- Ease of mobility
- Designed to offer complete comfort during long sessions
- Comes in four different sizes
Comfort Craft designs and produces their custom stools to meet the specific requirements of the therapist, whether in massage, general spa work or the dental field.
As with our tables, we take the same individualized care in building our stools to meet the unique and specific needs of our client base. Our stools are designed for long-term comfort; ease of mobility and to further enhance your treatment experience.
The seat of the stools is designed to offer complete comfort during long sessions of sitting. The actual seat comes in four different sizes to accommodate each therapist’s individual size and requirements. Your Comfort Craft sales professional will help you decide between the petite, medium, full or extra full. All seats come with a luxurious foam padding that gives you a floating sensation and all day comfort.
Our stools come in two distinct styles, listed below:
The T-Base Stool – This is our number one best-selling stool for the massage industry. The stool is equipped with a large wheel castor system and non-rotating seat allowing the therapist to control the stool completely by using the leg muscles. This stool has an ergonomic design which allows the knee to be higher than the hip when you are seated, utilizing the sit muscles for movement control. By using a series of different gas cylinders, we are able to create a stool that has a variety of height adjustments ranging from extremely low to high. (Refer to the Design Section for exact statistics)
The Star-Base Stool – This 5-pronged base stool is a favorite with Estheticians, Dentists, Dental Hygienists and Spa work because it offers height, a base foot ring and the ability to add an additional back if desired. Comfort Craft took the rolling of your stool to a new level with 4 inch diameter wheels which roll easily on most surfaces. This stool can be designed for your individual height or the height at which you prefer to work.
Stool Holder – Stabilizing the stool while the client sits on it with our top selling TBase Stool (when off the wheels) allows the therapist to work on the shoulder area while standing on stool rear frame. The TBase Stool on the holder can be used for doing Rolfing seated work it can also be used for loading onto the table when doing Shiatsu.
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Comfort Craft, Inc.
125 N. Cypress Way
Casselberry, FL
32707, USA
(800) 858-2838
(407) 834-8979 fax